Customer case

Fontys HRM and Psychology

The international office of Fontys University HRM and Psychology was looking for a way to convey with few words and a lot of feeling what Fontys stands for and what Eindhoven has to offer. We created this promotional mood film for them.

Made in 2022 Delivered Moodfilm
Fontys video

About this project

The project started with a brainstorming session, in which we mapped out the goal, target audience, message and look and feel. With this input, we set to work on a production plan, consisting of: synopsis, shot list, mood board, script, location research, script and call sheet.

The purpose of the mood film is to win more interesting partnerships with foreign schools. The video will be used at fairs and during partner visits, as well as distributed via social media and website.

Teamwork makes the dream work! Involved team members
Maikel Stams Maikel Stams Creative director

Concept, dirfecting, edit

Mick Vogels Mick Vogels Filmmaker & editor


Fontys HRM and Psychology International

The cooperation with Maikel Stams and Beeldsterk was very pleasant and professional.

After we shared our question, he very quickly came up with a clear plan, in which we could fully share our expectations and ideas about content, atmosphere, as well as the feeling we wanted to convey with our video. Maikel switches quickly, is open to all ideas and is realistic about the feasibility of everything regarding time and budget. All deadlines were well met and even when we were not 100% satisfied with the voice-over after seeing the video, it was no problem to adjust it (within the deadline!).

In short, it was a very pleasant cooperation with an end result to be proud of.

Luc Hameleers - Fontys HRM and Psychology International
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